Telegram Inner Circle
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Bruno B.
“Ein wunderbarer Ort, der mir sehr viel Emotionen entlockte und wo ich gerne wieder hin komme. Danke, dass es diesen Raum der Begegnung gibt!”
Bruno B.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
Christopher G.
“Dieser Ort ist offen für Menschen jeden Geschlechts, jeglicher sexueller (Nicht-)Orientierung, in jeglicher Beziehungsform lebend und mit jeder Form von körperlicher Besonderheit – Lasst uns die Vielfalt feiern!”
Christopher G.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.
There are no cells in this grid yet.